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‘Cat Person’ and Character-Analysis

My ill-advised tuppenceworth on ’Cat Person’: There was a peculiar history in the twentieth century in which, in psychoanalysis, the analysis of the ego turned towards an emphasis on quantitative factors (that is, towards an analysis of ego strength and…

After Hyde Park

The following text was written for Facebook a week after the fight between trans* activists and transmisogynist feminists in Hyde Park in September. Since these issues have come up once again – this time at the Anarchist Bookfair – and…

On CBT – for World Mental Health Day

Today is world mental health day. Lots of friends have already posted extraordinary things. I just wanted to write about one point: the ubiquity of cognitive behavioural therapy within current treatments. For nearly all minor mental health problems (anxiety, depression,…

A note on transphobic feminisms

Last week I found myself embroiled in all sorts of arguments around transphobic and transmisogynist feminisms. I find it so depressing that this stuff is still around. I’m also depressed by how discussions around the Gender Recognition Act are being…

Mindfulness destroyed

I might have ruined the mindfulness exercise in my CBT group today. The therapist told us we had to imagine “somewhere we felt relaxed” and he talked us through concentrating on the smells and sounds and sights of this imagined…

On Theresa May’s Speech

I don’t want to hear Theresa May going on about “our values, our country, and our way of life” as though there are a bunch of other places in the world where everyone thinks it’s just fine when children get…