Speculation on how the Brexit vote plays out in party politics

1) There will be no second referendum.
2) Big capital, most of the politicians in the UK and EU, and a large part of the British population do not want Brexit to go ahead.
3) A general election will be held in October or November in which parties will stand on no-Brexit platforms.
4) It is highly likely that to ensure a victory a national unity coalition will be formed between bits of the Labour Party and bits of the Tories as the no-Brexit platform (perhaps alongside other smaller parties) with only one candidate standing per constituency to guarantee and enormous majority.
5) In order to do this with the Labour Party they will need a leadership that will co-operate with Tories. This plan is probably already afoot and is probably behind the breadth and ferocity of the attack on Corbyn who would refuse to work with Tories on this.
6) Corbynites will try to defend against this by deselecting MPs (in the next week).
7) If Corbynites are successful it is possible a new party will form with Tom Watson as a leader and massive defection into that new party by Parliamentary Labour Party (if Corbyn won’t leave the party, the party may leave him.) Until the general election such a party will not require a support base, and at an election its support would be guaranteed by a coalition.
8) If a centrist coalition fought an election (against UKIP, Corbynites, odds and ends of Eurosceptic Tories) it would probably be on the basis of continuing Osborne’s economic plans, and being a bit tougher on immigration, meanwhile pitching some liberal anti-racism.
9) A grand coalition standing in an election later this year will also see far right populists being elected as a minority into parliament. 
10) By a 2020 general election the new parties will have formed up. The underlying economic crisis that has been ongoing since 2008 will still be unresolved. The far right populists will pitch corporatism as the main alternative to austerity.

Basically I don’t see a possibility for the left taking control here.

Sorry if that is depressing – it’s just what seems most likely to me. I’ve put this here on 27/6/2016 so I can see how wrong I am in the future.